Drones and the Internet of Things in the cybersecurity equation – IBM Cyber Beat Live

Mar 8, 2016
 Technological advancement is unleashing an age of extensive innovation that is chock full of unmanned aerial vehicles known as drones, wearable devices, cognitive thinking and the Internet of Things and connected devices. Alexander Bell once said, “It is the man who carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider…who is bound to succeed in the greatest degree.”

Are the giant steps we’re taking to remove the hinges from innovation’s door also weakening our cybersecurity? Are we ignoring the “carefully advances” phrase in Bell’s axiom?

Widespread security threats

A recent Forbes report shows that cybersecurity incidents have increased significantly, and researchers predict the cybersecurity market will reach $170 Billion by 2020. And no industry is exempt. Cyber criminals target banks, hospitals, universities and even utilities. Does the rabid desire to defy technological norms expose us to even greater cybersecurity threats than ever? Are we sacrificing citizen privacy and safety for the newest gadget?

Consider that according to an International Business Times report, hackers at AnonSec recently claimed they found a way to potentially gain partial control of a NASA Global Hawk drone. Drone technology holds the promise of speed and efficiency for online retail, emergency management and even healthcare. Yet, drones also have the potential to be used as a tool that can invade privacy, conduct corporate espionage and carry out acts....

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