
Latest news around the world
April 11, 2024Official

Interview with Kunal Dutt

In myriad cases, digital forensics comes into the picture, but the most generic answer would be “when the cyber security infrastructure fails somewhere around the cause of vulnerabilities, to identify and trace down the entire incident...

April 4, 2024New Edition, Official

Interview with Dauda Sule

You must be able to conduct lab exercises for students, particularly in digital forensics, and hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree in cyber security or a related discipline. You would definitely need to be able to demonstrate digital...

April 4, 2024Blog


Cyberattacks and cybercrimes are multiplying around the world, and the methods used to do so are constantly evolving....

March 21, 2024Official


In this tutorial we will be installing Maigret to a CSI Linux which is an offshoot of Debian. Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Tracelabs Linux, Kali Linux, etc. will all be installed similarly....

March 21, 2024Official


Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) is a type of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) focused on finding publicly available information on social websites. In other words, SOCMINT techniques can track the data that travels through social...

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