
Mar 21, 2024

Jeff Minakata

If we are performing an OSINT investigation, pentest, or other tasks, finding what accounts a username is tied to can be both incredibly beneficial and also incredibly time-consuming to do. To help with this search, we turn to Maigret (not the French Police detective) with its ability to scan some 500 sites, potentially matching our target username to various sites. Knowing what sites a particular username is associated with will give an OSINT investigator or a pentester a much broader insight into the target revealing, interests, potential data breach exposures, social media posts, habits, media, time stamps, geo-locations, etc. In this tutorial, we will be installing Maigret to CSI Linux which is an offshoot of Debian. Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Tracelabs Linux, Kali Linux, etc. will all be installed similarly.

Before you begin you will want to make sure that you have both Python 3.7 (or higher) and pip installed. If you are installing to CSI Linux, TraceLabx Linux, or the current version of Kali Linux this should already be installed.

For the installation, you can install it with PyPI (if installed) or through the git clone command (which we will be using for this tutorial). To check your version of Python you can enter the following command in the terminal: python --version and pip -- version

From the terminal, we want to clone the repo for Maigret. To do so, we can enter....


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