Course Curriculum

Before the course
(W00) Course Instructions 00:00:00
(W37M01) MacOS Anti-forensics: The Introduction 00:00:00
(W37M02) MacOS Anti-forensics: Releases & Components 00:00:00
(W37M03) People working in macOS anti-forensics & Wrap-up 00:00:00
(W37M04) MacOS components and anti-forensics 00:00:00
(W37A01) Introductory Assignment 30, 00:00
Module 1
(W37M05) Introduction to Module 1 00:00:00
(W37M06) Introduction to macOS anti-forensics 00:00:00
(W37M07) Categories of macOS anti-forensics 00:00:00
(W37M08) macOS components critical for anti-forensics 00:00:00
(W37M09) Category - Data Hiding 00:00:00
(W37M10) Category - Artefact wiping 00:00:00
(W37M11) Category - Trail Obfuscation 00:00:00
(W37M12) Category - Attacks Against Forensics 00:00:00
(W37M13) Category - Case Study - the Marble framework 00:00:00
(W37M14) Privacy protection in Safari, Part 1 00:00:00
(W37M15) Privacy protection in Safari, Part 2 00:00:00
(W37A02) Module 1 Assignments 30, 00:00
Module 2
(W37M16) Tooling introduction - data hiding 00:00:00
(W37M17) Data hiding - SilentEye walkthrough 00:00:00
(W37M18) Data hiding - SilentEye Overview 00:00:00
(W37M19) Data Hiding - SilentEye - Pros and Cons 00:00:00
(W37M20) Data hiding experiments: SilentEye - lab setup 00:00:00
(W37M21) SilentEye - Steganography without encrytpion 00:00:00
(W37M22) SilentEye: Steganography with encryption 00:00:00
(W37M23) SilentEye: File in an image steganography without encryption 00:00:00
(W37M24) SilentEye: File in an image steganography with encryption 00:00:00
(W37M25) Data hiding: Intro to Filevault 00:00:00
(W37M26) Data hiding: enable Filevault 00:00:00
(W37M27) Data hiding: disable Filevault 00:00:00
(W37M28) Datahiding: Filevault Pros and Cons 00:00:00
(W37M29) What is artefact wiping? 00:00:00
(W37M30) Artefact wiping with Disk Utility 00:00:00
(W37M31) Experiments with Disk Utility 00:00:00
(W37M32) Diskutulity Pros and Cons 00:00:00
(W37M33) Intro to Disk Utility debug model 00:00:00
(W37M34) Experiments with Disk Utility Debug 00:00:00
(W37M35) Disk Utility Debug Pros and Cons 00:00:00
(W37M36) What is trail obfuscation? 00:00:00
(W37M37) Trail obfuscation experiments 00:00:00
(W37M38) Trail obfuscation - experiment 00:00:00
(W37M39) Tunnelblick and obfsproxy - Lab setup 00:00:00
(W37M40) Tunnelblick walkthrough 00:00:00
(W37M41) Trail obfuscation - Get the IP address 00:00:00
(W37M42) Tunnelblick - Pros and Cons 00:00:00
(W37M43) Attacks against forensics - introduction 00:00:00
(W37M44) What is counterforensics? 00:00:00
(W37M45) What is CyberChef? 00:00:00
(W37M46) Lab Setup - CyberChef 00:00:00
(W37M48) CyberChef walkthrough 00:00:00
(W37M49) CyberChef operation DateTime 00:00:00
(W37M50) CyberChef operation zip/unzip 00:00:00
(W37M51) CyberChef operation: hashing 00:00:00
(W37M52) How to work with a recipe 00:00:00
(W37M53) CyberChef - Morse Code 00:00:00
(W37M54) Cyberchef: dataformat 00:00:00
(W37M55) CyberChef - pros and cons 00:00:00
(W37M47) Information on module 2 examination 00:00:00
(W37A03) Module 2 Assignments - Theory 30, 00:00
(W37A04) Module 2 Assignments - Practice 30, 00:00
(W37M00) Usecases - Addendum 00:00:00
(W37A03) Module 2 Assignments - Theory 30, 00:00
(W37A04) Module 2 Assignments - Practice 30, 00:00
Module 3
(W37M00) Module 3 Introduction 00:00:00
(W37M56) Forensics vs Anti-Forensics Arms Race 00:00:00
(W37M57) Anti-Forensics - macOS vs Windows 00:00:00
(W37M58) Windows Anti-Forensic Tools - BitLocker 00:00:00
(W37M59) Case Study - IoT 00:00:00
(W37M60) Case study - fileless malware 00:00:00
(W37M61) Effectiveness of Anti-Forensics Software 00:00:00
(W37M62) Case Study - Azure Sphere 00:00:00
(W37M63) Case Study - ITP2 00:00:00
(W37M64) Case-Study - Celeb Gate 00:00:00
(W37M65) iOS and macOS - future plans 00:00:00
(W37A05) Module 3 Exercises 30, 00:00
(W37M00) Addendum: FAQ - Project Marzipan 00:00:00
Final Exam
(W37A06) Final Exam 30, 00:00
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