(W34M00) Module 1 Overview


The primary objective of this module is to foster familiarity with the fundamentals of digital visual media forensics, so that the reader feels prepared for the discussions that follow in the subsequent modules.

Chapter 1 aims to provide a basic understanding of the concepts and terminologies associated with the domain of image and video forensics, beginning with the origin and history of photographic and video evidence, followed by a discussion about the rules of evidence governing the admissibility of visual evidence, the concept of identifying traces, and the distinction between legitimate post–processing and malicious content manipulation.

Chapter 2 deals exclusively with the discussion about the various kinds of operations that can be used to manipulate the contents of digital images and video.  

Chapter 3 focuses on the systematic analysis of existing forgery detection techniques and the various forensic artifacts used by these techniques. A paramount objective of this chapter is to provide an overview suitable for both the researchers and practitioners who are already working in the field of digital image and video forensics, and for those readers who are new to this field and are not yet fully equipped to assimilate the elaborate and complicated technical aspects of image and video tamper detection solutions. The chapter will also include a discussion about the various issues and challenges that complicated the task of forensic analysis of digital visual evidence.

Appendix A presents an overview of the overall process of forensic analysis of image and video evidence.

Appendix B provides a brief description of the process of source identification.

Appendix C explains some basic integrity verification measures that can be used in conjunction with specialized tamper detection schemes.

Appendix D details various active non–blind tamper detection solutions and highlights the operational differences that separate the domain of active non–blind tamper detection from the domain of passive–blind tamper detection.

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