"Most people neglect scrutinizing the basics" - Interview with Divya Lakshmanan, eForensics Instructor

May 15, 2019

Divya Lakshmanan is the instructor of our EXT4 and NTFS courses (so far!). Developing course materials with her has been an absolute pleasure, so we wanted to introduce all of you to Divya and let you get to know her more closely; Dive in, if you have any questions for Divya don't hesitate to post them in the comment section below! 

[eForensics Magazine]: Hello Divya, how have you been? We know you very well, but can you please introduce yourself to those of our readers that don’t yet?

[Divya Lakshmanan]: Hello! I am an independent researcher who enjoys teaching. When I am not working, anything out of the ordinary has my attention.

[eFM]: What got you interested in digital forensics?

[DL]: Most of my childhood was spent reading mystery and thriller novels. Finding secrets, uncovering hidden agenda and putting together pieces of a puzzle, it all got me addicted to the adrenaline rush. Soon began my love affair with computers. My holidays were spent tinkering with various software tools.

Imagine my delight when I figured out that I could solve adrenaline-inducing puzzles and unravel hidden agendas on computers! That’s when I knew my....

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