Interview with Gabriel Carvalhaes

Aug 6, 2024

First, introduce yourself and describe your computer forensics experience.

I am Gabriel, a Cyber Security professional with almost three years of experience in Brazil, one of the countries most targeted by cyber-attacks. I started out in 2021 as an Information Security Analyst and gradually transitioned to a Blue Team Operator in the same company. After that, I became a Cyber Security Consultant for a consultancy company, working with tools like the CrowdStrike Falcon platform. Nowadays, I work as a Sales Engineer, but I am still very technical since the job requires it. My computer forensics experience is based on alert triage and incident response. Since the beginning of my career, I have always been involved in analyzing security alerts and incident response (IR) engagements. These processes are closely related to computer forensics because they require in-depth analysis of logs and artifacts from endpoint telemetry such as memory dumps, Windows logs, network telemetry, and identity telemetry.

Can you explain how your interest in computer forensics developed, and why?

Well, since I started working in Cyber Security, I have always enjoyed in depth investigations. And when we talk about investigating something in depth in Cyber Security, we are almost always talking about forensics. It is fun to analyze artifacts using the right tools and try to understand what truly happened.

What are your favorite resources and techniques for digital forensics?

In my opinion, I believe that understanding the attack is the best way to truly master techniques for....


Gabriel Carvalhaes
Cyber Security professional working in the field since 2021. Focused on SOC workflow and Incident Response Procedures, while deploying and managing EDR and SIEM solutions for several clients. 
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