Brett Shavers is a former law enforcement detective and currently is a digital forensics consultant to law firms in civil litigation, along with occasional government engagement in high-profile investigations. Brett has been assigned to local, state, and federal task forces working on all types of cases, including international and national security matters. He has been trained by several US federal agencies, quite a few forensic software companies, and higher educational schools. Brett has published several books, including Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard, Hiding Behind the Keyboard, and the X-Ways Forensics Practitioner’s Guide. Brett’s greatest teachers have been those he wined and dined with while undercover. You can find him rambling away at
Could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Let us know who you are.
Hi. My name is Brett Shavers and I have been in the digital forensics field since 2004 as a student, practitioner, consultant, expert witness, author, and adjunct professor. I’ve worked in law enforcement for the better part of 2 decades in SWAT, bicycle patrol, undercover, detectives, and as a computer forensics investigator. Before that, I jumped out of airplanes and walked around the woods a lot.
Can you provide more information about your background and experiences?
I got my start in forensics while working as an undercover officer assigned to....