History of  DevSecOps

Jul 5, 2023


DevSecOps, which stands for Development, Security, and Operations, is a method of integrating security principles into the software development lifecycle. It emphasizes the need of addressing security risks early in the development process, rather than as an afterthought. Because of the increased requirement for enterprises to emphasize security in an era of regular cyber-attacks and data breaches, DevSecOps has gained prominence in the software development scene. DevSecOps strives to achieve a balance between agility and security by embedding security into the DevOps approach, allowing teams to release software quickly while ensuring it is strong and resilient against potential security vulnerabilities. DevSecOps arose from the desire to foster a culture of shared responsibility and collaboration among developers.[1]

When we consider the origins of DevSecOps, the term "DevOps" takes on new significance. So let us start by talking about it.

Figure 1 – DevOps Process

The Birth of DevOps

Overview of the DevOps movement and its focus on collaboration and automation.

The DevOps movement is a method to software development that places an emphasis on teamwork, communication, and automation between IT operations teams (Ops) and software development teams (Dev). It attempts to eliminate the conventional silos that have existed between these two functions and advance a culture of shared accountability, continuous improvement, and quicker software delivery.[2]

Businesses frequently struggle to strike a balance....


Chirath De Alwis, Nipuna Manujaya, Singha Dulain, Mohamed Sinan
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