
Dear Readers!

I would like to present eForensics Network, a publication with an expanded focus. While supplying our readers with IT Security updates and new product concepts, we are also reaching a larger audience. Digital forensics is increasingly important to the law enforcement professionals who are pursuing criminals on a daily basis. It’s not necessary, or easy, to become a computer forensics expert, but it’s very important to know how to recognize the digital evidence which will reinforce cases and to know who to turn to for help.

The opening interview by Liora Farkovitz with David Sun sheds some light on how important it is to include IT specialists in either a company or Police investigation. He provides several true stories, sharing his experience as a hands on investigator that are interesting, but he takes it a step further demonstrating the importance.of working together with academia, the legal system and product development to provide meaningful tools..

Next, IT veterans – Yasakethu and Jiangreat (both PhDs) give us a magnificent insight into CockpitCI – a program which can take actions during real-time cyber attacks.

The article written by David Sun (our interviewee), points out a couple of basic but often easily forgotten operations while examining the suspects’ computer. For example, a check on the BIOS Clock was manipulated can save a lot of time and work when you know how to do it – this is really well explained in the article. Dominic Jaar shares his views about big companies which use forensics programs to work remotely, safely and fast across huge distances.

Lost in an earlier transition, but found and published at last, the article by Israel Torres who addresses the topic of Apples OS X. He explains how to control it remotely. We would like to assure you that there will be more issues concerned with the topic in the future. Deivison Franco spreads his in depth knowledge about the main vulnerabilities, attack encryption algorithms and security protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks.

You can seize the opportunity to learn about environmental threats from Damon Petraglia, the subject of our interview in the October edition, who presents his thoughts about the issue. The article may be treated as your first step toward creating unsurpassed security.

Last but not least, the article from Neil Maher. It is definitely Secure FTP Servers in a nutshell. The knowledge gained from reading the article can be used instantly.

In Poland we have a tradition of not only capitalizing “I” but the words that reflect the humanity of all of us, and in this tradition, I hope You enjoy the publication as much as I have enjoyed editing it for You. I will be more than pleased to hear your opinions about this edition of the magazine. I would like to thank to all the people who helped me with the issue. There would not be an issue without you.


July 30, 2021
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