Course Curriculum

(W00) Course Instructions 00:00:00
(W29M00) Instructor note 00:00:00
(W29M01) Course Introduction 00:00:00
Course materials
(W29M02) Introduction to Recovering Virtual Machines 00:00:00
(W29M00) Understanding Virtualization & About VMWare VMFS 00:00:00
(W29M00) About the command line interface (used in the course) 00:00:00
(W29M00) About FTK Imager & R-Studio 00:00:00
(W29M03) Exploring Windows Possibilities Part 1 - FTK Imager 00:00:00
(W29M04) Exploring Windows Possibilities Part 2 - R-Studio 00:00:00
(W29M00) Disk Cloning and Imaging & Tools for VMFS Recovery 00:00:00
(W29M05) Disk Cloning and Disk Imaging 00:00:00
(W29M06) Preparing Kali Linux Environment 00:00:00
(W29M07) Practice Exercise - Creating a RAW image 00:00:00
(W29M08) Explore the RAW image file in Windows environment 00:00:00
(W29M09) Mounting Devices Part 1 - mount cli 00:00:00
(W29M10) Mounting Devices Part 2 - losetup cli 00:00:00
(W29M00) VMFS tools 00:00:00
(W29M11) Installing vmfs-tools 00:00:00
(W29M12) Using vmfs-tools to access damaged/lost partitions 00:00:00
(W29M13) Extra Video 1 - Setting Kali Environment 00:00:00
(W29M14) Extra Video 2 - Managing Packages 00:00:00
(W29M15) Extra Video 3 - VirtualBox Extra Setting 00:00:00
(W29M16) Course Closure 00:00:00
Course assignments
(W29A01) Practical Lab 40, 00:00
(W29Q01) Recovering VM from lost VMFS partitions Final Exam 00:10:00
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