Course Curriculum

(W00) Course Instructions 00:00:00
Module 1
(W56M01) Cloud Architecture 00:00:00
(W56M02) Identifying Evidence 00:00:00
(W56M03) Evidence Collection 00:00:00
(W56M04) Transport and Store 00:00:00
(W56M05) Legal Issues 00:00:00
(W56M06) Evidence Analysis and Interpretation 00:00:00
(W56M07) Antiforensics 00:00:00
(W56M08) Role Management 00:00:00
(W56M09) Standards and Training 00:00:00
(W56Q01) Module 1 Quiz 00:20:00
Module 2
(W56M2_1) Forensic Readiness 00:00:00
(W56M2_2) Seizing Electronic Evidence 00:00:00
(W56M2_3) Data Recovery Strategies 00:00:00
(W56M2_4) Virtual Environments 00:00:00
(W56M2_5) Compliance Implications on eDiscovery 00:00:00
(W56M2_6) Forensics as a Service 00:00:00
(W56M2_7) Ethical Hacking and Cloud Forensics 00:00:00
(W56M2_8) Data Acquisition and Collection Techniques 00:00:00
(W56M2_9) Antiforensics 00:00:00
(W56M2_10) VHD Simulation 00:00:00
(W56M2_11) Hashing VHD File Simulation 00:00:00
(W56M2_12) VM Simulation 00:00:00
(W56M2_13) Reconnaissance 00:00:00
(W56M2_14) Unallocated 00:00:00
(W56Q02) Module 2 Quiz 00:25:00
Module 3
(W56M3_01) Exercise 1 Data Collection Phases 00:00:00
(W56M3_02) Exercise 2 OneDrive 00:00:00
(W56M3_03) Exercise 3 Dropbox 00:00:00
(W56M3_04) Exercise 4 Google Drive 00:00:00
(W56M3_05) Exercise 5 Open Source 00:00:00
(W56M3_06) Exercise 6 Social Media Email 00:00:00
(W56M3_07) Email Simulation 00:00:00
(W56M3_08) Remote Networks Simulation 00:00:00
(W56M3_09) Mobile Simulation 00:00:00
(W56Q03) Module 3 Quiz 00:12:00
Module 4
(W56M4_01) Exercise 1 Infrastructure and Cloud Capability 00:00:00
(W56M4_02) Exercise 2 Forensic Preparation 00:00:00
(W56M4_03) Exercise 3 Artifacts 00:00:00
(W56M4_04) Exercise 4 Forensic Workstation 00:00:00
(W56M4_05) Exercise 5 Incidents 00:00:00
(W56M4_06) Exercise 6 Cloud Provider Support 00:00:00
(W56M4_07) Exercise 7 Forensic Investigation Strategies 00:00:00
(W56Q04) Module 4 Quiz 00:20:00
Module 5
(W56M5_01) Exercise 1 Introduction 00:00:00
(W56M5_02) Exercise 2 Cloud Compute 00:00:00
(W56M5_03) Exercise 3 Global Infrastructure and Reliability 00:00:00
(W56M5_04) Exercise 4 Networking 00:00:00
(W56M5_05) Exercise 5 Storage and Databases 00:00:00
(W56M5_06) Exercise 6 Security 00:00:00
(W56M5_07) Exercise 7 Migration and Innovation 00:00:00
(W56M5_08) Exercise 8 Monitoring and Analysis 00:00:00
(W56M5_09) Exercise 9 Amazon Services 00:00:00
(W56M5_10) Exercise 10 Amazon S3 Buckets 00:00:00
(W56M5_11) Exercise 11 Amazon DynamoDB 00:00:00
(W56M5_12) Exercise 12 Amazon EC2 Windows 00:00:00
(W56M5_13) Exercise 13 Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 00:00:00
(W56Q05) Module 5 Quiz 00:20:00
Final Exam
(W56QF) Final Exam 00:30:00
Thank you so much! We hope you enjoyed the course!
© HAKIN9 MEDIA SP. Z O.O. SP. K. 2023