Cloud Security with CloudIntel: A User-Friendly Approach to Safeguarding Public Cloud Infrastructure

As we navigate the digital age, reliance on public cloud infrastructure has become the norm in business and technology landscapes. This surge in cloud usage brings a heightened risk of cyberattacks. Cybercriminals are continuously evolving their strategies, exploiting vulnerabilities in cloud systems. It's a dynamic battleground where the security of sensitive data and systems is constantly challenged. In this scenario, CloudIntel emerges as a crucial ally. Offering a free and open-source solution, CloudIntel is designed to fortify cloud infrastructure against these ever-evolving threats. It represents not just a technological advancement but a commitment to making high-level security accessible to all, thereby contributing significantly to the safeguarding of our digital ecosystem.

What is CloudIntel?

CloudIntel is a robust, community-driven security tool designed to enhance the security of cloud infrastructures. It functions by providing real-time intelligence on potential cyber threats, enabling users to proactively safeguard their cloud environments against various vulnerabilities. CloudIntel's core features include a comprehensive database of top IP addresses and malware signatures that are regularly updated. The tool is specifically tailored to be accessible and user-friendly, catering to a broad range of users with varying technical skills. Its design emphasizes democratizing cloud security, making advanced security measures available and manageable for everyone.

The GitHub Repository and API

The GitHub Repository and API section of CloudIntel, centered around the CloudIntel GitHub repository, focuses on providing up-to-date cloud security intelligence. This repository is an open-source project featuring daily updates on the top IP addresses and malware signatures observed in cloud environments.

The accompanying API, built on Cloudflare's robust infrastructure, extends these insights by offering a 24-hour data feed of potential threats. It includes endpoints for malicious IPs and is planned to expand to include malware object detection. This makes CloudIntel a comprehensive tool for real-time cloud security monitoring.

For more detailed information, you can visit the GitHub repository. (

User Accessibility

For enhanced user accessibility, CloudIntel's Wiki provides comprehensive instructions and support for users. The project is designed with diverse user skills in mind. It offers a straightforward interface and guidance on API setup and use.

For those interested in testing the API, a demo key is available in the README section of the project's GitHub repository. Additionally, users who plan to integrate the API into a tool or a larger system can request a free personal API key. These features ensure that CloudIntel is accessible to both technical and non-technical users, facilitating easy adoption and integration into various environments.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Wiki (

To demonstrate how to make an API call to CloudIntel, you can use the following curl command structure. This example shows how to retrieve data about malicious IP addresses for a specified date:

curl -X GET \

  'https://' \

  -H 'x-api-key: key{democloudintel}' \

  -H 'x-email: [email protected]'

Replace MM-DD-YYYY with the desired date, [Your_API_Key] with your personal API key, and [Your_Email] with your email address.

This command sends a GET request to the CloudIntel API and retrieves information about malicious IPs for the specified date. For more detailed instructions and information, please refer to the Wiki.


CloudIntel, through its innovative CloudIntel project, stands as a critical tool in cloud security. Offering real-time threat intelligence and comprehensive protection, it is tailored for technical experts and casual users.

The project's GitHub repository, detailed in the README section, provides a demo key for immediate use and encourages those integrating CloudIntel into their tools to request a personal API key, free of charge.

This approach not only enhances security measures but also fosters a community-driven effort to safeguard cloud infrastructure against evolving cyber threats.

For further details and in-depth understanding, the CloudIntel Wiki ( is an invaluable resource.

January 23, 2024


Himanshu Anand
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