Boost Your DFIR Investigative Mindset!

Oct 3, 2024

Brett Shavers 

With all the hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), you might wonder how it practically fits into your casework. In this article, we discuss how your investigative mindset and case perspectives could be enhanced using AI.

Treat AI as Your Partner: A Fresh Set of Eyes and a Second Opinion

As discussed in the DFIR Investigative Mindset book, one of the core principles is viewing your case from different perspectives. This approach helps you challenge assumptions, identify overlooked evidence, connect seemingly unrelated facts, establish reliability of evidence, and deepen your understanding of the case by examining it from different angles.

As the DFIR investigator, you need to see as much of the case from 360 degrees as possible to comprehend it. Otherwise, you will have a one-sided and incomplete view of the facts.

Imagine having instant access to the perspectives of a judge, attorney, or seasoned DFIR expert in every case you handle. With AI, you can achieve this, gaining fresh insights that can transform how you approach investigations by simply allowing AI to look at your case as if it were a different person with different experiences from yourself.  

Traditionally, this meant consulting colleagues or reanalyzing data with a fresh mindset. Today, AI can act as your co-investigator, helping you see your case from virtually unlimited perspectives. 

In short, you ask AI to assume the role of a different person to analyze your investigation from that person's perspective. You define the....


Brett Shavers
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Brett Shavers
3 months ago

Great insights

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