Android Boot Process [FREE COURSE CONTENT]

In this video from our Android Mobile Forensics online course, your instructor Divya Lakshmanan will take you through the Android boot process. Understanding this element of the Android system can be crucial when analyzing a device - this video will answer all your questions! 

Do you ever speculate whether your mobile phone knows more about you than your best friend? Endlessly (or rather mindlessly), we take every chance we get to peep into our screens – at work, on the subway, while standing in line or even while cooking a meal! We routinely input so much data into our phone, that a mobile phone behaviorist (likened to a human behaviorist aka psychologist), aka a proficient mobile forensics investigator, can build a healthy dossier just by waving the magic forensic wand over a mobile phone of interest.

Keeping that in mind, some mobiles devices running the Android operating system find their way into an ongoing investigation – simply because of the fact that cyber criminals cannot do without a mobile phone. This course will train you to approach an Android mobile device forensically.

Why this course? 

This course is meticulously curated to teach you the continually relevant aspects of Android Mobile Forensics. In the process of doing so, you will also gain proficiency about how to replenish your forensics skills, to keep in tune with the perpetually changing Android world.

All the modules include hands-on assignments to test your newly-gained skills.

What skills will you gain? 

  • You will learn about the intricacies involved in forensically handling an Android device.
  • You will be exposed to a myriad of tools available, which will give you the confidence to experiment with more tools on your own.

In the first module, you'll get the preliminary information required to perform Forensic Acquisition and Analysis of an Android Mobile. Processing an unrooted Android mobile device will be discussed.

  • Android Architecture
  • Android Boot Process
  • Partitioning in Android Systems
  • Android Incident Response
  • Terminology relevant to Android Forensics
  • Unrooted Device Analysis

Tools covered:  ADB (shell, logcat, dumpsys)

Check out the rest of the modules here >> 

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April 28, 2022
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