Is the Internet of Things a scary proposition for organizations? Expert discussion on cybersecurity - IBM’s Cyber Beat Live!

May 16, 2016

Can we drive the innovation and possibilities of the Internet of Things while maintaining security?

How can we minimize cybersecurity risks in an Internet of Things world?

For answers to these questions and more, take part in a live panel discussion with experts on 24th of May 2016 at 11 a.m. Eastern, where we’ll discuss the impact of the Internet of Things on cybersecurity. Here are some of the key questions to be discussed:

  • Why is security for Internet of Things devices often so weak?

  • How are hackers exploiting connected devices?

  • What can organizations do to better secure their connected devices? What should vendors be doing?

  • Who is responsible for securing the smart home? Why?

  • Can our connected homes, cars and devices attack us?

  • What’s the role of government in ensuring connected devices are secure?


Andrew Borimage07ene is senior executive for worldwide strategy for the IBM i2 Safer portfolio. He is a Fellow at Georg
etown University’s Center for Security Studies and a Senior Fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Technological Leadership Institute. He serves on the Advisory Committee for the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on....

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