How to Handle DevOps Failure? | By Rebecca James

| collaborative article | How to Handle DevOps Failure?  Ever since the concept of DevOps was first introduced in 2008, organizations all over the world have now started to slowly but surely realize the potential that it has to offer, particularly in streamlining the development process and saving costs in....

May 13, 2020
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3 years ago

Hi, great post! Training your employees is one of the most important stages. All your main engineers and programmers should understand exactly how your architecture works, and what the main DevOps does with the product. This is a huge step, and I will explain why. I once worked for a company, and we hired a very strong DevOps team to implement the right architecture. He was a great guy, but he never told the team about the new changes and how everything worked. In general, it turned out to be an excellent technical solution, which only he understood. What do… Read more »

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