David Shelton is a licensed Private Investigator and the Owner of Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC in Greensboro, North Carolina. David has been conducting investigations for the past 12 years and opened Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC in 2009 to specialize in areas of technology in investigations to assist in discovering evidence in civil and criminal cases. Before getting into the Private Investigation field, David worked in the electrical and electronics field for 23 years designing, installing, and maintaining different types of electrical, low voltage, and security systems.
David is certified in Digital Forensics, and specializes in the area of Cell Phone Forensics, in which he has been approved in the Court of Law as an expert witness in Digital Forensics many times. David is a Certified Continuing education instructor in North Carolina, and teaches classes on Cell Phone Forensics. David has spoken at Private Investigation Conferences throughout the USA on the topic of Cell Phone Forensics. To learn more about the services that Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC provides, visit our website for a full list of services and information on services we provide. (www.detectiveati.com)
1. "iPhone Forensics" -> Find it inMobile Forensics: TOUCH (iOS/Android/Windows Mobile) STONE which was published in October 2013.