Assembly for reverse engineering - basic programming [FREE COURSE CONTENT]

In this short video from our Software Reverse Engineering course we will learn how to write a simple program in Assembly. Having this skill is crucial for anyone who wants to reverse more complex pieces of software, and we hope this video sends you on your way there. Dive in! 

Software Reverse Engineering Techniques is a field of work where you can have a binary file and revert it into a programming language (usually Assembly). It is very useful when you do not have the original source code (e.g. legacy code) and need to change something in the program or even debug it. 

In the course:

In this first approach to reverse engineering, you will learn the things that you should know about Computer Organization, Machine Language, Assembly Language and the techniques related to these topics used to understand a program without having the original source code. The course was developed considering x86 32 and 64 bits architecture.

What skills will you gain? 

  • Emulating an architecture to understand how opcodes work;
  • Understanding how a program works and modifying it;
  • Removing small parts of a binary program;
  • Adding new code to a binary program;
  • Using a hexadecimal editor to change a binary on the hard drive;

Included in this course: 

Workshop eBook all materials from the course in one handy pdf for you to download and reference when you need it. 

Reverse Engineering Guide - a full premium edition of our magazine, with a huge guide that will take you one step further once you finish the course. With this guide, you will develop your new skills more, on another hands-on example! 

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April 28, 2022
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